This doesn't answer the SPXTAPE question directly, but since you are 
migrating to 5.4 most, if not all, of your NSS's will be built as part of
the migration.  You probably don't need to copy the 5.3 versions unless 

you really need them.

That said, it has been mentioned on the list several times that SPXTAPE 

needs a tape device.  For DCSS's you can use DCSSBKUP and DCSSRSAV.  Some
stuff you could just rebuild.

There's been talk about wanting a PIPEable version of SPXTAPE, but I thin
that's still a pipe dream, as it were.

Brian Nielsen

On Thu, 27 May 2010 15:04:01 -0400, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) 
<> wrote:

>I am working on migrating my z/VM 5.3 systems to z/VM 5.4. At the same
>time we are preparing to upgrade to a z10.
>To get a head start on the conversion to 5.4 and to the z10 I am
>building the new 5.4 systems on the z10 we have connectivity to the
>DS8100 where our z/VM z/Linux environment is. We did build on 5.4 system

>on the z9.
>The one thing we do not have connectivity to at this time is Tape
>Drives. So we cannot use SPXTAPE to dump the z/VM 5.4 spool, we only
>care about the NSS and other system stuff, to a tape.
>To this end can you layout the steps I would take to copy the spool DASD

>to DASD without the use of SPXTAPE. I am trying to get at least one tape

>drive but if I can't I would like to try another way. If all else fails
>I can do the SPXTAPE dump of a 5.4 spool on the z9 and on the day of the

>migration to the z10 load then.
>Thanks for the help!  
>Thank You,
>Terry Martin
>Lockheed Martin - Citic
>z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
>Office - 443 348-2102
>Cell - 443 632-4191

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