Thanks Kris for a quick answer, and also thanks to another for an off-line 
reply. I do appreciate it.

However, I'm still not sure I have a solution.  Let me describe the 
problem a bit better.  I'm trying to ascertain the location of resources 
in the System z hierarchy - that is CECs have LPARs, and LPARs have 
systems which may be Linux or z/VM, and z/VM systems have systems, which 
may also be Linux or z/VM (I know there are a lot of other possibilities, 
but these are the most interesting). I'd like to do as much of this as 
possible on Linux rather than from z/VM, thus the request for CP commands, 
not CMS (so I'm even more hesitant to use CPHOST which is a z/VM add-on).

I can get a lot of information from /proc/sysinfo. For example, on a third 
level Linux, the following data are interesting:

# grep "LPAR Name:" /proc/sysinfo | awk '{print $3}'
# grep "VM01 Name:" /proc/sysinfo | awk '{print $3}'
# grep "VM00 Name:" /proc/sysinfo | awk '{print $3}'

I know the system is running on the LPAR named "LVM1".  Because there is a 
VM01 entry, I can assume this is a second level z/VM running on the user 
ID named "VM140". Also I know the third level Linux is running on the user 
ID "ZVMMAPLX". I can also determine the CEC's machine type, model number 
and serial number with other data in /proc/sysinfo.

So that tells almost the entire hierarchy *except* for the system 
identifier of the first level z/VM system:

Neither /proc/sysinfo, DIAG 0, nor the STSIUSE EXEC seem to supply that. 
Any other ideas other than CPHOST? (I could require this value as a 
parameter, but it would be more convenient and reliable if it could be 
ascertained.) Thanks in advance.

"Mike MacIsaac" <>   (845) 433-7061

P.S. Typing out the hierarchy has shown to me that I may be mixing user 
IDs with system identifiers - perhaps I *do* have the entire hierarchy in 
that I know there is one z/VM running on the LPAR LVM1.  However, we 
usually remember z/VM systems by system identifier, not by LPAR name.

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