On Sunday, 05/30/2010 at 04:57 EDT, Michael 
MacIsaac/Poughkeepsie/i...@ibmus wrote:

> Therefore, I am feeling better that I do have the entire System z 
> available from /proc/sysinfo. If I do want a utility that happens to tie 
> (for first level z/VMs) with System_Identifiers, or user IDs (for second 
> z/VMs) with System_Identifiers, it is not unreasonable to require the 
> System_Identifier as a parameter. If for some reason a different z/VM 
system is 
> IPLed at the first or second level, it would be reasonable to ask the 
> to convey this new relationship to any utility that may rely upon it. 

I'm not quite sure where you're going with this, but by knowing how deep 
you are in STSI, you can map it to DIAG 0.  That is, you can determine the 
System_Identifier of each CP instance in the hierarchy, as well as the 
name of the container which it is runs (userid or LPAR).

Remember, too, that there can be multiple VM systems with the same 
System_Identifer and they can be *in the same hierarchy*.  They won't have 
the same host/node name in a network, but that's a different issue.  An 
instance of CP is determined by cec.lpar[.userid1[.userid2]...]. 
System_Identifer is an attribute of the VM system, but it isn't a unique 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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