On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Sergio Lima <sergiovm...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> We need, do here a REXX that will READ a lot of COBOL Programs.
> So, must, locate all "CALL" Statements, and think use XEDIT for this.
> Someone know, if have a place, or a documentation, for us get a sample
> program?

I would say that for such situations, any time invested in learning
CMS Pipelines will pay back tenfold (both in programming and runtime).

My little pipeline refinery to convert assembler files to HTML pages
is a serious productivity gain. It does links to follow branches and
calls and to find fields in DSECTs. It also generates a symbol cross
reference with links .

You'd hang out on CMSPIP-L with questions about using CMS Pipelines...

R; Sir Rob the Plumber

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