The bit that piqued my interest was the fact that the saved system is
defined as Class A (unrestricted) because there are no shared R/W areas t
otherwise pose security issues - and can therefore be IPLed by anybody -
NAMESAVE not needed. Each user effectively gets their own, 'Group of one'

It is also worth remembering that it's pretty simple to build multiple GC
- if you had a requirement for a sandpit you could easily build a, 'GCSON
NSS alongside the, 'production' multi-user, 'GCS' NSS.  Of course, if you

try to run the whole VTAM / RSCS bunch in there it's going to get <ahem>
crowded, and you won't be giving CP's scheduler much chance to work his
stuff so it might become something of a bottleneck ...

I still to this day think that it's a shame that GCS was never allowed to

reach its full potential - when I'm in a, 'conspiracy theory' mood I thin
maybe the MVS camp was afraid of the possible competition and squashed it

I also yearn to see, 'real IUCV' one day - although I guess that need has

now actually been fulfilled in other more, 'open' ways ...

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