The big advantage for a SVM is that you have as much granularity over the commands it will accept, and from whom, as you want to program into it. Going "open kimono" via UserB is not a good idea (as others have pointed out), no matter how attractive it might sound. You won't pass the most trivial audit and will probably be job hunting real soon.

I can't think of anything that *requires* full-screen. It might be a little more complicated but you can always use Xedit and coding to interact with UserB almost as if they were logged on to UserB. That's not trivial but it is doable.

Once you get used to the idea of:
  Send some command
  Get a response (MSG or RDR)
  Send another command
  Get another response

you'd be amazed at how natural it can become. I did a *lot* of it before I 


Rich Greenberg wrote:
On: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 03:50:30PM -0400,Michel Beaulieu Wrote:

} Normally user"A" is a general user with no special authority. } } Then some action need to be taken on a service machine. } } One simple way is to logon to the service machine.
In general this is not a very good idea, for security and a host of
other reasons.

The way this is often done is to have a program such as WAKEUP running
in the service machine (SVM) which waits for an event (typically an SMSG
from user"A" which requests something), does the requested work, returns
the result (spool file or SMSG), and waits for the next request.

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