Thanks Les, that is pretty much what I suspected. The problem is the upgrade
path. We currently have a z9 so 6.1 is not an option on this machine.
So when the time comes to swap CPU.s what OS can I IPL on the z196 that I
have tested on the z9?

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Les Geer (607-429-3580) <> wrote:

> >The question came up today as to whether z/VM 5.1 will run on a z196. I
> know
> >there are no 5.1 PTF's available for z196 support.
> >How about z/VM 5.4, will it run WITHOUT the z196 PTF's?...
> >Any guesses? or experiences?
> >
> As z/VM 5.1 was never tested on a z196 we cannot provide an outlook of
> how it will behave.  However, given the nature of changes made to
> z/VM 5.4 and 6.1 to support z196, you may encounter unexpected,
> undesirable side effects.
> Given upgrading to z/VM 5.4, or better yet 6.1, is straight forward,
> why not pursue this avenue rather than rely on knowns?
> Best Regards,
> Les Geer
> IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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