I recommend the very flexible VMFTP shareware.  You write macros as REXX 
execs, giving you complete control of the FTP session.

For example, we sometimes send VMDUMPs to a particular ISV (each ISV has 
its own exec/macro).  Some want the VMDUMP "COPYFILE (PACK"ed before 
sending (doing so preserves record lengths of variable length files when 
UNPACK'ed at the other end).  Rather than documenting all their 
preferences, and target directory naming conventions, I wrote an FTP2isv 
EXEC and VMFTP macro (where "isv" is the ISV's initials).  From FILELIST 
on the VMDUMP, I enter:
     FTP2isv / outputfn outputft issue_number
The FTP2isv process checks to ensure that the file is already COPYFILE 
PACK'ed, or it find free disk space and does it, then calls the FTP2isv 
VMFTP macro (again, all written in REXX), establishes the FTP session, 
issues all the preferred FTP commands (e.g.  'BIN FIXED 1024', 'CD 
dirname', 'PUT  ifn.ift.ifm  ofn.oft', 'QUIT').  That makes life a lot 

z/VM users can easily FTP files to their z/VM userid from z/OS by running 
a local FTPFMZOS EXEC, which in turns calls a FTPFMZOS VMFTP macro.

We've also used it to write execs/macros that send a batch job via NJE to 
our z/OS systems, which in turn connects back to z/VM to FTP very large 
(both LRECL and number of records) files from a target disk, then runs 
additional application programs on z/OS.  When the job completes, the 
initial (still waiting) exec sees the messages sent via NJE and cleans up 
work files on the user's disk. 

The VMFTP package can be obtained from: 
     Fran Hensler's excellent Slippery Rock University FTP site with 
     the most recent updates as of 2009-03-13 at: 

It's well worth the time you'll spend installing it and becoming familiar 
with it.  I could send a sample of one of our simpler EXEC/VMFTP macros if 
you'd like.

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

Steve Perez <sspe...@corelogic.com> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
12/08/2010 04:05 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>



Hello Listers,

I have written an REXX exec to file transfer monitor data files from our 
z/VM Lpar to our z/OS Lpar using FTP.  The following is an excerpt from 
that code:

push 'quit' 
push put TEST.FILE.A 'my.zos.dsn' 
... other ftp commands here ... 
'FTP' ftpaddress

My question is.  What can I do to retrieve the return code if this fails 
or is successful?  Or any other ideas or suggestions I can use to 
determine if the file successfully transferred?

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.


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