That looks suspiciously like the inspiration for my updated (just 
yesterday) HEXSORT XEDIT, pasted below.

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
 * Exec Name     - HEXSORT XEDIT                                    *
 * Unit Support  - I.S.                                             *
 * Status        - Version 1, Release 2                             *

   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse arg parms 0 operands '(' options ')' parmrest

   parse var operands target sortargs

   If target='' | target='?' then
       'COMMAND EMSG HEXSORT syntax: HEXSORT target pipe-sort-arguments'
       'COMMAND EMSG E.g. HEXSORT * 2-12 A 36.4 D'
       'COMMAND EMSG For more PIPE SORT info, enter: PIPE HELP SORT'
       'COMMAND SET MSGMODE' msgmode.1
        Exit 0


   /* Potentially add delimiters to LOCATE target string */
   parse var target c1 2 Rtarget
   If verify(0123456789,target)=0 then          /* Not just numeric */
      If index('* : - + . /',c1)=0 then target='00'x||target||'00'x

   /* LOCATE for target is always case respective */
  'COMMAND LOCATE' target               /* Find the rqsted target   */
   If rc>1 then
        If c1='.' then
           Do                           /* Trt alternate-case locate*/
             If datatype(Rtarget,'L') then
                upper target
               'PIPE VAR target | XLATE LOWER | VAR atarget'
       'COMMAND LOCATE' atarget
        If rc>1 then Exit rc

   end=line.1-1                         /* Up to but not including  */
  'COMMAND SET RANGE :'begin ':'end     /* Just requested range     */

  'COMMAND :'begin                      /* Back to Top of Range     */

  'COMMAND SET MSGMODE OFF'             /* Will be many deletes.    */
   address command,
     'PIPE (END ?)' ,
        '| XEDIT',           /* Read recs from XEDIT ring file      */
        '| XLATE *-* A-F FA-FF FA-FF A-F' ,
        '| SORT' sortargs ,  /* Sort and pass XEDIT input recs      */
        '| XLATE *-* A-F FA-FF FA-FF A-F' ,
        '| o: FANOUT' ,      /* Copy sorted recs to XEDIT ring file */
        '| TAKE FIRST 1' ,   /* Do not buffer full file             */
        '| SPECS /:0 DELETE */' ,
        '| SUBCOM XEDIT' ,   /* Execute ":0 DELETE *" command       */
        '? o:' ,             /* Accept sorted records from FANOUT   */
          '| XEDIT'          /* Write sorted recs to XEDIT ring file*/
  'COMMAND SET RANGE :'range.1 ':'range.2 /* Restore to orig.       */

  'COMMAND :'curline                    /* Restore                  */
  'COMMAND SET MSGMODE' msgmode.1       /* Restore                  */
  'COMMAND SET AUTOSAVE' autosave.1     /* Restore                  */
Exit src
 * Function      - Sort one or more ranges in requested order,      *
 *                 where the columns being sorted contain HEX data. *
 * Component of  - XEDIT at Hewitt Associates LLC                   *
 * Command format- HEXSORT target CMSpipelines-sort-args            *
 * Called by     - User or macro                                    *
 * Dependencies  - VM/SP 3 or higher.                               *
 *               - CMS Pipelines                                    *
 *               - HEXSORT REXX stage                               *
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *
 * Date Written  - 06/11/96                                         *
 * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *
 * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *
 * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *
 * 04/22/98  mrw - Try alternate-case target LOCATE.                *
 * 20000113  mrw - Correct curline=line.1                           *
 * 20001025  mrw - Correctly start at top of RANGE, not TOP         *
 *               - Set 'end' to line BEFORE target.                 *
 * 20101215  mrw - Update PIPE sort with latest XEDIT sort idiom.   *
 *                                                                  *

"Jim Bohnsack" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
12/16/2010 11:57 AM
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"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: I saw a pipe here, now I can't find it.

I've got a HEXSORT XEDIT and HELPXEDI that I thought came from the IBM 
Download page but I can't find it there.  Not sure where I got it.  I 
don't think it's a leftover from an IBM internal site.  Here's the 
comments at the beginning of it.

Same as XEDIT SORT, but sorts hexadecimal data correctly.

LIMITATION: Unlike XEDIT SORT, there is a limit of 10 fields.

09/02/97 - Roger Deschner - Pad to LRECL when RECFM F
07/29/97 - Roger Deschner - Accommodate backwards targets
07/26/97 - Roger Deschner - Original version.
This technique is from PIPE AHELP SORT, by John Hartman, reprinted in
            "Plunging Into Pipes" by Melinda Varian.


On 12/16/2010 11:10 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers wrote:
> I simply do:
> PIPE | LITERAL D12B 127B B729 1111 | SPLIT | SPEC 1.4 X2C 2 1.4 3 | SORT
> | SPEC 3-* 1 | CONSOLE
> 1111
> 127B
> B729
> D12B
> Ready;
> =20
> Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

James Bohnsack
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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