Hello List.
I have a CMS file, and need convert the date in the format DD/MM/YY (01/12/10), 
to week day.
Try used this, but don't work :
    52 *-*     data = word(saida,1)                                         
       >>>       "01/12/10"                                                 
    54 *-*     campoa = date('w',data)                                      
    54 +++     campoa = date('w',data)                                      
    20 +++    call vetipo                                                   
     5 +++ call processa                                                    
DMSREX475E Error 40 running CPUXX EXEC, line 54: Incorrect call to routine  
Is possible, do this what We need?
Thanks very much.
Sergio Lima Costa
Sao Paulo - Brazil                                        

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