Over the years since dynamic IOCP changes became possible,
I have had several occasions to use them. At first I ran into problems
of not being able to activate the newly saved IOCDS (RC=88, I believe)
because I had somehow or other gotten out of sync. So I created a special
machine just for dynamic IOCP stuff, named, obviously, DYNIOCP.

This machine presents a panel, which:
- tells me if current status is DYN ON or DYN OFF
- allows me to change the DYN status
- records EVERY command entered, *AND* its resulting message(s) in a dated
log file
- allows me to scroll backward/forward through an unlimited number of
   previous commands
- has a PF for FILELIST enabling me to look at log files, etc.

So, I can be totally sure what changes I *did* do, and what I did *not*,
and can create an IOCP source exactly matching the new hardware setup.

I recently had to set up new dasd on the fly, after a long time with
no new hardware, and using DYNIOCP made it a breeze!
Seeing a successful result to "SET IOCDS_ACTIVE" is a real pleasure.

Available on request, of course. (Pre-req: my XFS panel display program)


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