> Just a question of courosity, are you interested in a CMS application or are
> you looking for something in a different OS, ie zLINUX or zVSE?

I'm currently writing a z/VM Overview course and - once again - the
truism that, 'the best way to learn a subject is to teach it' applies
... I've known for a long time that the signalling mechanism exists
and I've even recently learned how to configure Linux to respond to
it, but I've never before had occasion to want to look into the
specifics of how it works. (I had assumed some kind of external or
machine-check interrupt, but didn't actually KNOW.)

It's so much better as a teacher to be able to say unequivocally, 'CP
virtualizes the LPAR Deactivation process which uses an External
Interrupt to signal to the guest that it needs to close' than,
'Somehow by some kind of magic that I do not fully know but which we
do not need to understand, CP tells the guest to close'.

It's also nice to simply, 'know' these things - I HATE, 'magic'.

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