did you use "vconfig add"  command to create vlan12 interface on linux?

you need module 802.1q should be loaded on linux...

vconfig do all you need.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 2:14 PM, <louis.gai...@its.ms.gov> wrote:

> I am a newbie
> I am trying to create a vswitch with vlan capablitites I am using the
> osa-express implementatiion guide chapter 11
> 1.  I defined the switch ( define vswitch vsw3 rdev fa00 eth vlan 12 portt
> trunk
> q vswitch vsw3
> 09:59:42 VSWITCH SYSTEM VSW3     Type: VSWITCH Connected: 2    Maxconn:
> 09:59:42   PERSISTENT  RESTRICTED    ETHERNET                  Accounting:
> 09:59:42   VLAN Aware  Default VLAN: 0012    Default Porttype: Trunk
> GVRP: Ena
> bled
> 09:59:42               Native  VLAN: 0012
> 09:59:42   MAC address: 02-00-01-00-00-23
> 09:59:42   State: Ready
> 09:59:42   IPTimeout: 5         QueueStorage: 8
> 09:59:42   RDEV: FA00 VDEV: FA00 Controller: DTCVSW2
> 2. I granted access to the switch
> q vswitch vsw3 acc
> 10:01:13 VSWITCH SYSTEM VSW3     Type: VSWITCH Connected: 2    Maxconn:
> 10:01:13   PERSISTENT  RESTRICTED    ETHERNET                  Accounting:
> 10:01:13   VLAN Aware  Default VLAN: 0012    Default Porttype: Trunk
> bled
> 10:01:13               Native  VLAN: 0012
> 10:01:13   MAC address: 02-00-01-00-00-23
> 10:01:13   State: Ready
> 10:01:13   IPTimeout: 5         QueueStorage: 8
> 10:01:13     Authorized userids:
> 10:01:13       MAGICXBJ Porttype: Trunk  VLAN: 0012
> 10:01:13       MAGICXB1 Porttype: Trunk  VLAN: 0012
> 10:01:13       MAINT    Porttype: Trunk  VLAN: 0012
> 10:01:13       SYSTEM   Porttype: Trunk  VLAN: 0012
> 10:01:13   RDEV: FA00 VDEV: FA00 Controller: DTCVSW2
> 3. detail display of the switch
> q vswitch vsw3 det
> 10:03:39 VSWITCH SYSTEM VSW3     Type: VSWITCH Connected: 2    Maxconn:
> 10:03:40   PERSISTENT  RESTRICTED    ETHERNET                  Accounting:
> 10:03:40   VLAN Aware  Default VLAN: 0012    Default Porttype: Trunk
> GVRP: Ena
> bled
> 10:03:40               Native  VLAN: 0012
> 10:03:40   MAC address: 02-00-01-00-00-23
> 10:03:40   State: Ready
> 10:03:40   IPTimeout: 5         QueueStorage: 8
> 10:03:40   RDEV: FA00 VDEV: FA00 Controller: DTCVSW2
> 10:03:40     VSWITCH Connection:
> 10:03:40       RX Packets: 0          Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
> 10:03:40       TX Packets: 307        Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
> 10:03:40       RX Bytes: 0                    TX Bytes: 616833114
> 10:03:40       Device: FA02  Unit: 002   Role: DATA       Port: 0001
> Index: 000
> 1
> 10:03:40   Adapter Connections:
> 10:03:40     Adapter Owner: MAGICXBJ NIC: 0600  Name: dontcare
> 10:03:41       Porttype: Trunk
> 10:03:41       RX Packets: 253600     Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
> 10:03:41       TX Packets: 30         Discarded: 0          Errors: 24
> 10:03:41       RX Bytes: 24945803             TX Bytes:
> 86507892               ,
> 10:03:41       Device: 0602  Unit: 002   Role: DATA       Port: 0112
> Index: 001
> 4
> 10:04:14       VLAN: 0012
> 10:04:14       Options: Ethernet Broadcast
> 10:04:14         Unicast MAC Addresses:
> 10:04:14           02-00-01-00-00-26
> 10:04:14         Multicast MAC Addresses:
> 10:04:14           01-00-5E-00-00-01 IP:
> 10:04:14           33-33-00-00-00-01 IP: FF02::1
> 10:04:14           33-33-FF-00-00-26 IP: FF02::FF00:26
> 10:04:14     Adapter Owner: MAGICXB1 NIC: 0600  Name: dontcare
> 10:04:14       Porttype: Trunk
> 10:04:14       RX Packets: 211658     Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
> 10:04:14       TX Packets: 27         Discarded: 0          Errors: 21
> 10:04:14       RX Bytes: 20781017             TX Bytes: 77463936
> 10:04:14       Device: 0602  Unit: 002   Role: DATA       Port: 0114
> Index: 001
> 5
> 10:04:14       VLAN: 0012
> 10:04:14       Options: Ethernet Broadcast
> 10:04:14         Unicast MAC Addresses:
> 10:04:14           02-00-01-00-00-25
> 10:04:14         Multicast MAC
> Addresses:                                      ,
> 10:04:14           01-00-5E-00-00-01 IP:
> 10:04:55           33-33-00-00-00-01 IP: FF02::1
> 10:04:55           33-33-FF-00-00-25 IP: FF02::FF00:25
> 4. ifconfig display
> ifconfig -a
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:00:01:00:00:26
>          inet6 addr: fe80::1ff:fe00:26/64 Scope:Link
>          RX packets:253698 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>          TX packets:30 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>          RX bytes:21402753 (20.4 Mb)  TX bytes:1692 (1.6 Kb)
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>          inet addr:  Mask:
>          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
>          RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>          TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>          RX bytes:336 (336.0 b)  TX bytes:336 (336.0 b)
> sit0      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
>          NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:1
>          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
> vlan12    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:00:01:00:00:26
>          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>          inet6 addr: fe80::1ff:fe00:26/64 Scope:Link
>          RX packets:253698 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>          TX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>          RX bytes:21402753 (20.4 Mb)  TX bytes:1224 (1.1 Kb)
> I am unable to connect to any of the linux guest that are on this switch
> any help or ideas will greatly appreciated

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