On: Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 04:52:37PM +0000,Ed Zell Wrote:

} I would like to use this URL to search the archives,
} but it wants me to enter my  LISTSERV  password.  I
} have been subscribed since 1998 and don't have a clue
} what it might be.  I searched INFO REFCARD  for a way
} to have it sent to me, but I am not seeing it.
} Could some kind soul tell me how to get my password
} or at least how to reset it so I can use the URL
} to search the archives?  Thanks.

Here is a chunk of boilerplate that addresses this:

The first time, you will need to sign in with a password.  If you wish,
Listserv will save the password in a "cookie" so you don't need to enter
it next time(s). To create the password, send email to the listserv:


No mime or html, plain text ONLY.  No signature.  No subject.  In the body:

    PW ADD the_password_you_would_like_to_use

Listserv will ask you to confirm this (to make sure someone else didn't
forge the request). It may take from seconds up to a day or two.

This password is good for all lists on the uark server.

Rich Greenberg  Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 941 378 2097
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero & Casey (At the bridge)        Owner:Chinook-L
Canines: Red & Cinnar (Siberians)  Retired at the beach  Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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