Since I came in this morning and it has "magically" repaired itself, I think
that this may indeed be the problem. I'll go in and turn off caching on the
shared disks today so as to avoid this issue next weekend when we install
our second z10.


Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
RO-OC-1-18             200 First Street SW    /V\
507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
-----                                        ^^-^^
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/20/11 9:19 AM, "Alan Altmark" <> wrote:

> On Sunday, 03/20/2011 at 05:53 EDT, RPN01 <> wrote:
>> We just installed a z10 processor this morning, and the Dirmaint
> satellite on 
>> it won?t install a directory. The message I get says that there is no
>> statement which matches the serial and model number, and then has the
> serial 
>> and model in parens. OK, so I cut and paste the serial and model and
> copied it 
>> into a directory statement in Dirmaint (which actually matched what I
> had 
>> there, but hey, I wanted to be sure it was right). I tried direct again,
> and it 
>> still says the same thing.
>> The old statement for our z9 was:
>> DIRECTORY 0123 3390 54GRES 0123 025A7E-2094 GRIZZLY
>> And I replaced it with the following for the z10:
>> DIRECTORY 0123 3390 54GRES 0123 02B3E6-2097 GRIZZLY
>> What small gem of wisdom am I missing here?
> My guess is that you forgot to turn off minidisk cache for the shared
> disks on the satellite system and you're not seeing the directory update.
> I had that problem a couple of weeks ago.  I couldn't figure it out until
> I linked to the DIRMAINT 1DF on the satellite system and noticed that the
> file content didn't match the primary system.  (slap forehead)
> I suggested to one of the developers that satellites should turn off MDC
> for all config and db disks if their partner DIRMAINT server is on a
> different system.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
> IBM System Lab Services and Training
> office: 607.429.3323
> mobile; 607.321.7556
> IBM Endicott

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