>>> On 3/30/2011 at 09:59 AM, Mike Walter <mike.wal...@aonhewitt.com> wrote: 
> Sidebar:
> The way that was posted makes it appear that I wrote both paragraphs. 
> Actually, I only wrote the first sentence questioning whether the date had 
> changed again. 
> A subsequent poster appended the "snarkiness" paragraph, but that identity 
> was lopped off in the way David's reply was posted. 

Wrong on both (perhaps three out of four) counts.  You wrote the first 
paragraph, as clearly indicated by the quoting marks.  David responded to that 
with the "snarky" comment.  Then he replied to the whole thing again with the 
"justifiied" comment.  It's pretty clear when you look at the quoting marks ">".

Mark Post

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