Registration is open for this Wed. April 20 System z user group:

Bay Area System z programmers for z/OS, z/VM and Linux on System z

To: Bay Area Systems Programmers for z/OS, z/VM and Linux on System z

Are you interested in getting together quarterly or semi-annually with
your System z colleagues?  A Bay Area System z User Group can facilitate
sharing of experiences and offer presentations on topics of interest to
your community.   The next meeting will be:

Date:  Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Time:  9:00 AM - 1:30 PM  (08:30 AM Coffee)
 Loc:  IBM Office, 20th floor; 425 Market Street San Francisco

 - z/VM Performance Topics (Bill Bitner)
 - Performance Monitoring Tips for z/OS (by Norman Hollander)
 - zEnterprise Universal Resource Manager - Hypervisor and System
   Monitor  (by Tom Shepherd)

Coffee and tea will be provided at 8:30 am
Lunch will be provided

Registration:  Please send a note to

Please respond to with one of the following:

____  Yes, I want to attend the session on April 20 and I am interested
           in participating in a System z Bay Area User Group

____  Yes, I want to participate in a System z Bay Area user group, but
           CANNOT attend the meeting on April 20th

Direct questions about this group to Karen Reed,

You can find many more events-- user groups (regional and multi-day),
webcasts, classes, workshops....guess where...on the event calendar. :-)

Pam C

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