Thanks Bill. I had checked that list and didn't see anything in the RTP 
area. I suppose I was hoping there was one that wasn't listed :-)

Oh well!

Michael J. Forte 
z/OS Storage ID (and on assignment with STG Lab Services and Training)
Software Engineer, System z Information Solutions 58HA
IBM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 
3039 E Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195

"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less 
than the long-term risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
   - John F. Kennedy 

From:   Bill Munson <>
Date:   04/14/2011 11:20 AM
Subject:        Re: z/VM user group in RTP, NC?
Sent by:        The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

The closest one I know of is in Virginia , the HillGang 

good luck 
Bill Munson 

President - MVMUA
LVM Program Officer - SHARE

From:        Michael Forte <> 
Date:        04/14/2011 10:58 AM 
Subject:        z/VM user group in RTP, NC? 
Sent by:        The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 

Hi folks, 

I'm looking to get "back into the fold" after leaving NY. Does anyone know 
if there is a z/VM user group in RTP or the surrounding area (Raleigh, 
Durham, ...)? 

Thanks as always! 

Michael J. Forte 
z/OS Storage ID (and on assignment with STG Lab Services and Training)
Software Engineer, System z Information Solutions 58HA
IBM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 
3039 E Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195

"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less 
than the long-term risks and costs of comfortable inaction."
 - John F. Kennedy 

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