The IBM z/VM Operating System <> wrote on 
04/28/2011 12:19:53 PM:

> From: Alan Ackerman <>
> To:
> Date: 04/28/2011 12:20 PM
> Subject: Restrictions in FCP point-to-point topology
> Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <>
> Restrictions in FCP point-to-point topology
> We are planning to use FCP disk with a z/Linux under z/VM system,
> running under z/VM 5.4.  To reduce cost, we are planning to use the
> point-to-point topology.
> Are there any restriction in using this topology?
> I seem to remember some restrictions mentioned in the presentation given
> at SHARE when the point-to-point support first appeared in z/VM.
> The load (write) volume will be high (the higher the better), but only
> occasionally and for less than a day at a time.  Another reason to use
> point-to-point is that we think it will perform better without the
> switch.
> We want to have a 4TB LVM, spread across 8 LUNs.
> Picture:
> +-------------------+                +-------------------+
> |  LPAR 1           |                |  LPAR 2           |
> |   +---------------+                |   +---------------+
> |   |  z/VM 1       |-FCP--4TB---FCP-|   |  z/VM 2       |
> |   |   +-----------+      disk      |   |   +-----------+
> |   |   |  Linux 1  |                |   |   |  Linux 2  |
> +---+---+-----------+                +---+---+-----------+
> A wider picture is
> z/OS<--Hipersocket-->Linux-->FCP<--Hipersocket-->z/OS
> DB2                          disk
> I found a presentation "Introduction to SCSI over FCP for Linux on
> System z" at <>.  It
> mentions (on foil 6) the two topologies, point-to-point and switched
> fabric, but gives no restrictions.
> Thanks!
> Alan Ackerman
> Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com


Here are some things that I can think of at the moment:

* NPIV is not supported point-to-point, which impacts lun masking (host 
* Which storage array do you plan on using?  Some arrays do not support 
point-to-point at all, or they support the poor man's arbitrated loop 
topology with exactly 2 l_ports.  Our system z channels support the 
official FC-FS point-to-point topology.  We do not support any arbitrated 
loop topologies.
* We have not measured switched perf vs point-to-point perf here in 
Poughkeepsie.  I think the latency of the switch (probably microseconds) 
will be much less than the latency of real disks (milliseconds). 
Especially with lots of writes.  I don't think you'll notice the 
difference, but that is just my guess.


Ray Higgs
System z FCP Firmware Development
Bld. 706, B42
2455 South Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 435-8666,  T/L 295-8666

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