>>> On 4/28/2011 at 12:19 PM, Alan Ackerman<alan.acker...@bankofamerica.com> 
>>> wrote:

> We are planning to use FCP disk with a z/Linux under z/VM system,
> running under z/VM 5.4.  To reduce cost, we are planning to use the
> point-to-point topology.

If you don't use a SAN fabric switch, discovering and configuring LUNs on your 
Linux guests will be entirely manual, and even less fun than usual.  This is 
due to the fact that a number of things the discovery tools depend upon are 
provided by the switch itself.

I know of a couple of customers that went with point-to-point.  It made their 
life (and that of their IBM business partner and our TSS) miserable.

Mark Post

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