I always run mine in xedit compatibility mode because I am normally editing mainframe source files. I know there are other capibilities, but I seldom need to edit 'special files' so I just use gedit for those. (I wish they had not dropped kedit with this new version of KDE.)

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Les Koehler
 Sent: 05/18/2011 07:09 PM
What do mean by a 'true pc editor'? I'm sure MarkH edits make files all
the time! It's probably a question of what constitutes a 'line-end'
sequence when writing files.
SET EOLOUT can be used to change it.


Tony Thigpen wrote:

I used it for some pc file editing, but some linux files require that
I use a 'true' pc style editor. (Like when editing 'make' files.)

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
From: Jim Bohnsack
Sent: 05/18/2011 10:35 AM
Where can THE be gotten? I've heard of it, but have never had it or
tried it. Is it usable as a general purpose PC editor or is it really
only usable as a PC resident mainframe tool?


On 5/17/2011 11:50 PM, Les Koehler wrote:
If you use THE for your own stuff, I'd like a direct email
if you'd like to exchange information.

Anyone using it to offload VM work to the pc, or considering
doing so, I have a wealth of macros to make it as much like
Xedit as I can, while at the same time taking advantage of
the capabilities of a pc and no 3270 restrictions.

Tell us about your VM work on this thread, why you chose
THE, or pose questions that I, or others, might be able to
help answer.

If you're familiar with Kedit, THE can mimic it quite well,
*and* it uses either ooRexx or Regina as its macro language.

I wasn't sure about posting this, but Dan assures me that as
long as it's VM related, it's welcome!


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