> The bogosity index is extremeloy high on this one.  

But it's certainly a common one. I can think of at least a dozen sites that 
have heard this "requirement" from IBMers. I've always thought the proper 
solution to this was to add a badge reader to the HMC to allow IBMers to enable 
these ids only when they are physically present (and responsible for them). 

> Each person who
> accesses the HMC should be given their own ID.  No sharing.  Multiple
> CEs?
>  Multiple IDs.  Best Practice is to change all of the passwords to the
> default user IDs or delete them.  Kind of like when you install RACF,
> the
> instructions tell you to remove authority from IBMUSER and REVOKE it.

And herein lies some of the resistance. Agreed, this is the Right and Proper 
Way. If I am to operate in this way, I need to engineer Yet Another identity 
management system (at best a plugin to an existing one, at worst an entire new 
system). There is not a single commercially available identity management 
system (including Tivoli products) that would know what a HMC is if it bit them 
in the rear. None of them understand any of the roles you describe, and none of 
the IT security weenies who run this stuff day to day have any grasp of this. 
It doesn't show up in their point-to-click-to-manage world -- you're dealing 
with people who think AD is the be-all, end-all, not RACF. After all, it's just 
a PC, right? (*snort*) -- doesn't work with *their* tool, doesn't happen. 

I concede the point that that will change over time, since this is more likely 
to impact z/OS sites and thus actually cause money to be spent, but you're 
moving too fast for the real world here. 

(I made this point in the design discussions about ensembles in Research; 
clearly I didn't have a big enough tantrum to crack the light of reality over 
this horizon). 

> Local password management?  I'm not following you on this.  My client
> has
> all 'normal' HMC IDs authenticated with the corporate directory server
> (Active Directory).

See above. AD integration for an HMC requires modifying the default AD schema 
to allow somewhere to store all those nifty new attributes, which is a one-way 
street. You can't go back. Windows admins (unless they are very very good) flee 
screaming from this, as it's an irrevocable step and it changes the support 
posture for a lot of other products, including some ones that have nothing to 
do with System Z (try calling Microsoft with a Exchange problem if you have a 
modified AD schema. You won't like it. Trust me.)

> Leave the HMC behind the RSA gear.  It's not like general users of the
> operating systems are going to need HMC IDs.

They may not need them, but setting up a separate provisioning process with all 
the attendant auditing, etc to manage them in a responsible way (let alone 
letting a non-human agent do anything to configurations without having exits 
for MY change management system (whatever that may be), as some of the ensemble 
code proposes to require in the near future) is pretty much a non-starter. 
Separation of powers, if nothing else -- if I can change the hardware 
configuration, I'm not allowed to change the user authorizations, and 
otherwise, WYSIWG wrt HMC management, and that doesn't include letting 
automation tinker with it. 

I guess the message we're trying to convey is that if this thing is to become 
the "management endpoint" for the System Z, a lot more thought needs to be put 
into deployment integration with other parts of the environment before people 
are going to be comfortable with the level of power that this thing has over 
the crown jewels. If it's treated as the control point, it's got to play nice 
with OUR control points. IBM can't revoke support for it when we install the 
stuff that makes it work for our businesses. The current message from IBM is a 
little too blue-centric for that to be realistic. 

-- db

PS - jfrye: I *told* you so. dude. Nyah. 8-)

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