On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 10:25:05 -0400 Mike Hammock said:
>I have found in the past that dividing the REXX CPS number by 1800 gives an
>approximation(!) of the general MIPS rating.

Mike -

I'm running a FLEX-ES box that is knee capped at 18 MIPS.  I added
your formula to the end of REXXCPS.  Here are the results on a
completely idle system:

----- REXXCPS 2.2 -- Measuring REXX clauses/second -----
 REXX version is: REXX370 4.02 01 Dec 1998
       System is: CMS
       Averaging: 10 measures of 30 iterations
       CP IND = AVGPROC-011% 01
     Performance: 24794 REXX clauses per second
    24794/1800= 14 MIPS
Ready; T=11.08/11.22 06:39:22

rexxcps 1000
----- REXXCPS 2.2 -- Measuring REXX clauses/second -----
 REXX version is: REXX370 4.02 01 Dec 1998
       System is: CMS
       Averaging: 1000 measures of 30 iterations
       CP IND = AVGPROC-100% 01
     Performance: 23699 REXX clauses per second
    23699/1800= 13 MIPS
Ready; T=1133.43/1143.71 07:38:38

I ran REXXCPS at 30 and 1000 three times and each time the 30
measures indicated 14 MIPS while 1000 indicated 13 MIPS.

At the end of August we will downgrade to an 8 MIP box.  It will
be interesting to see what REXXCPS reports then.

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 48 years
    mailto:f...@zvm.sru.edu  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.794.6172
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

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