What is line 78 supposed to do?
 'Commit 0'  /* hot to trot */

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 48 years
    mailto:f...@zvm.sru.edu  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.794.6172
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:27:15 -0700 Michael Harding said:
>Okay, as long as we're posting code...
>My version is a bit more generic, but also takes into account that it might
>be issued from a SECUSER-ed disconnected id.
>** SMSG's an arbitrary target SVM, captures responses and inserts
>** into the pipeline.
>Parse Upper arg tgtmach what '(' opts ')' ignored
>Call InitRtn
>'CallPipe (Name GetSMsgResp End ?)',
>   'Literal' timeout_value,
>   '|Delay',
>   '|stopper:Faninany',
>   '|xx:Gate',
>   '?',
>   'Starmsg *MSG CP SMSG' tgtmach what ||,
>   '|xx:',
>   '|ours:Find 00000001' || Left(tgtmach,8,'_') ||,
>   '|dec:Fanout',
>   '|Take 1',
>   '|Spec /' || msg_wait || '/ 1',
>   '|Elastic',
>   '|Delay',
>   '|stopper:',
>   '?dec:',
>   '|Spec 17-* n',
>   '|*:',
>   '?ours:',
>   '|obnd:Pick 17.10 == /HCPMSG045E/',
>   '|Elastic',
>   '|stopper:',
>   '?obnd:',
>   '|Spec /From/ 1 9.8 strip nw /:/ n 17-* nw',
>   '|Cons'
>Call CleanUp
>Exit xRc
>timeout_value = '+20';msg_wait='+1'
>what = Strip(what)
>Parse value Diag(8,'Q SET') with . 'MSG' wasmsg . 'CPCONIO' wascpcio .
>wasmsg = Strip(wasmsg,'T',',')
>wascpcio = Strip(wascpcio,'T',',')
>iRc = 0
>Do while opts <> ''
>   Parse var opts opt opts
>   Select
>      When Abbrev('TIMEOUT',opt,1) |,
>         Abbrev('DELAY',opt,3)  then Do
>            Parse var opts timeout_value opts
>            If Pos('.',timeout_value)=1 then
>               timeout_value='0'timeout_value
>             timeout_value = '+' || timeout_value
>             End
>       When Abbrev('WAITCONT',opt,1) |,
>          Abbrev('WAITON',opt,1)  then Do
>             Parse var opts msg_wait opts
>             If pos('.',msg_wait)=1 then msg_wait='0'msg_wait
>             msg_wait = '+' || msg_wait
>             End
>       Otherwise popts = Strip(popts opt)
>       End /* select */
>    End
> If popts<>'' then what = what'('popts')'
> If iRc <> 0 then Exit iRc
> /*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*/
> /*     Ensure secuser isn't directing msgs elsewhere         */
> /*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*/
> dscd = Word(Diag(8,'Q CONS'),3) == 'DISCONNECTED'
> If dscd then Do
>    Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q PRIV') with . '15'x . ':' myprivs . '15'x
>    If Verify(myprivs,'AC','M')>0 then do_me = '*'
>    Else do_me = ''
>    Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q SECUSER *'),
>       with . '15'x . '15'x suinfo '15'x
>    Parse var suinfo . whoisit .
>    If whoisit<>'not'
>       then Parse value DiagRc(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me 'OFF') with .
>    Else whoisit = ''
>    End
> 'Commit 0'  /* hot to trot */
> x=Diag(8,'SET MSG IUCV' || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO IUCV')
> Return
> CleanUp:
> xRc = Rc
> x = Diag(8,'SET MSG' wasmsg || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO' wascpcio)
> If dscd then if whoisit<>''
>    then Parse value Diag(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me whoisit) with .
> Return

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