It's a plumbing thing ..   HELP PIPE COMMIT ..

commit 0 requests that the commit level of the TCOMMT stage be raised to
0. The TCOMMT stage is then suspended until all the other stages in the
pipeline have committed at least to level 0 or have ended. The return code
from COMMIT is then set to the current aggregate code.

That explains it - right?   ;-)

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Fran Hensler <> wrote:

> What is line 78 supposed to do?
>  'Commit 0'  /* hot to trot */
> /Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 48 years
>  +1.724.794.6172
>              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:27:15 -0700 Michael Harding said:
> >Okay, as long as we're posting code...
> >My version is a bit more generic, but also takes into account that it
> might
> >be issued from a SECUSER-ed disconnected id.
> >
> >/*
> >** SMSG's an arbitrary target SVM, captures responses and inserts
> >** into the pipeline.
> >*/
> >Parse Upper arg tgtmach what '(' opts ')' ignored
> >Call InitRtn
> >'CallPipe (Name GetSMsgResp End ?)',
> >   'Literal' timeout_value,
> >   '|Delay',
> >   '|stopper:Faninany',
> >   '|xx:Gate',
> >   '?',
> >   'Starmsg *MSG CP SMSG' tgtmach what ||,
> >   '|xx:',
> >   '|ours:Find 00000001' || Left(tgtmach,8,'_') ||,
> >   '|dec:Fanout',
> >   '|Take 1',
> >   '|Spec /' || msg_wait || '/ 1',
> >   '|Elastic',
> >   '|Delay',
> >   '|stopper:',
> >   '?dec:',
> >   '|Spec 17-* n',
> >   '|*:',
> >   '?ours:',
> >   '|obnd:Pick 17.10 == /HCPMSG045E/',
> >   '|Elastic',
> >   '|stopper:',
> >   '?obnd:',
> >   '|Spec /From/ 1 9.8 strip nw /:/ n 17-* nw',
> >   '|Cons'
> >Call CleanUp
> >Exit xRc
> >InitRtn:
> >timeout_value = '+20';msg_wait='+1'
> >what = Strip(what)
> >Parse value Diag(8,'Q SET') with . 'MSG' wasmsg . 'CPCONIO' wascpcio .
> >wasmsg = Strip(wasmsg,'T',',')
> >wascpcio = Strip(wascpcio,'T',',')
> >iRc = 0
> >popts=''
> >Do while opts <> ''
> >   Parse var opts opt opts
> >   Select
> >      When Abbrev('TIMEOUT',opt,1) |,
> >         Abbrev('DELAY',opt,3)  then Do
> >            Parse var opts timeout_value opts
> >            If Pos('.',timeout_value)=1 then
> >               timeout_value='0'timeout_value
> >             timeout_value = '+' || timeout_value
> >             End
> >       When Abbrev('WAITCONT',opt,1) |,
> >          Abbrev('WAITON',opt,1)  then Do
> >             Parse var opts msg_wait opts
> >             If pos('.',msg_wait)=1 then msg_wait='0'msg_wait
> >             msg_wait = '+' || msg_wait
> >             End
> >       Otherwise popts = Strip(popts opt)
> >       End /* select */
> >    End
> > If popts<>'' then what = what'('popts')'
> > If iRc <> 0 then Exit iRc
> > /*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*/
> > /*     Ensure secuser isn't directing msgs elsewhere         */
> > /*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*>-------<*/
> > dscd = Word(Diag(8,'Q CONS'),3) == 'DISCONNECTED'
> > If dscd then Do
> >    Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q PRIV') with . '15'x . ':' myprivs . '15'x
> >    If Verify(myprivs,'AC','M')>0 then do_me = '*'
> >    Else do_me = ''
> >    Parse value DiagRc(8,'Q SECUSER *'),
> >       with . '15'x . '15'x suinfo '15'x
> >    Parse var suinfo . whoisit .
> >    If whoisit<>'not'
> >       then Parse value DiagRc(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me 'OFF') with .
> >    Else whoisit = ''
> >    End
> > 'Commit 0'  /* hot to trot */
> > x=Diag(8,'SET MSG IUCV' || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO IUCV')
> > Return
> >
> > CleanUp:
> > xRc = Rc
> > x = Diag(8,'SET MSG' wasmsg || '15'x || 'SET CPCONIO' wascpcio)
> > If dscd then if whoisit<>''
> >    then Parse value Diag(8,'SET SECUSER' do_me whoisit) with .
> > Return
> >

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