>>> when i was at centered-riding camp (on a narrow, unevenly-muscled,
high-withered ottb) we spent a lot of time perfecting the centeredness of
our treeless saddles (ansurs),

Of all the treeless saddles I've tried, I like the Ansurs the least.  They
felt like they'd roll easier than about any I tried, and there just wasn't
much too them - plus they sat down on the horse's back and it made me
nervous that they'd rub the withers  if I weren't careful.  I thought they
felt like VERY expensive bareback pads.   I've ridden in Ansurs, Bob
Marshalls, Torsions, a Freeform, a Barefoot Cheyenne, and several
Sensations - seems like I'm missing one but I can't think which.  Oh yeah,
the Balance Soft Option, part-treed saddle - I liked it pretty well, but
still not as well as the Sensation.  And the Diddi pad.   My favorite by far
is the Sensation, and my least favorite the Ansur.  .

Karen Thomas

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