>> It's just not true; it's not reality; who are they trying to kid?!?!?
>> And why?
> But, Judy's question got me thinking; I have a theory on the 'why' of
> this.  When a horse is under 14 hands, people think 'Pony' and then
> 'Kids'.  Despite all the beautiful pictures of adults (tall
> men, too) riding these magnificent horses -- I suspect that marketers
> are trying to avoid the "It's only a horse I can buy for my kids"
> demographic, so they're fudging the numbers and/or buying platform
> horseshoes, I guess. :)

Yes, but.... it is a pony, and isn't it better to be truthful in 

"If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a horse have?
Four..... calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg"
                              -- Abraham Lincoln

Is there a way to market the Icelandic truthfully to the right audience?

Let's face it, the Speed Rackers are not going to switch to riding 
Icelandics as pacers or rackers.

Where's the niche?  Where does it fit in?


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