>>> where did you get this figure?  and what makes you say that the disease
is so unmanageable that the horse is guaranteed misery?

By talking to people who've actually owned significant numbers of both
domestics and imports in a similar climate as I live in, on the east coast.
>From seeing horses who suffer with SE.  And by having one very reputable
breeder/seller refuse to sell me a horse known to have had SE, because I
live in an SE zone.  From listening to people on these lists, asking for
help in placing their horses in other climates, to find the horses some
relief.  Just ask - but ask people who don't have a vested interest in your
believing one way or the other.  When I first looked at buying Icelandics, I
was lucky enough to find people who owned both domestics and imports for
sale.  When I've talked to people who only import, I've gotten another story

Karen Thomas

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