When you say frequent baths, I would give clear water rinses for
baths!  I had a dog for many years with eczema, it was so
heartbreaking and miserable.  I finally found if I gave her a soapy
bath less often it was better.  I would just rinse her with cool
water.  Every day in summer.  Only bathe her with soap once a month if
that.  I found bathing her with tar shampoo was good if her sores were
wet, but if sores were dry and scaley, with oatmeal shampoos.  Also I
found I had to rinse her good if we went into a creek, even a nice
clear flowing one, becauser apparently there was things in the water
she was more allergic to.  She would chew her paws til they bled.
Anyway.  I dont have experience with SE in horses but I sure do with

yipie tie yie yo

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