Wow! I finally got to the original msg from Anne
Elwell!  This only cements my opinion of her.  I had
talked to her on the phone several years ago when she
had some mares for sale (reducing her herd).  She was
so arrogant and condecending to me.  I had told her
about my stallion, Skyfaxi from Rhythmhill and she
asked if I had plans on breeding him to her mare if I
bought her.  When I replied she just lit into me like
a lion devouring his meal.  She said I should never
breed a stallion that had not been evaluated and that
any silver dapple she had seen would never make first
prize!  Can you believe that!  She didn't sell me a
mare (don't think she would) but boy am I glad now. 
Her horses are probably deathly afraid of humans.  She
probably pokes them with a stick when she walks by.  I
don't know if many of you out there know anything
about my stallion but he is the sweetest, most gentle
(gelding like actually) fellow I have known.  He tolts
in the field, very stocky (old icelandic body type)
and I think he is what most Americans look for in a
stallion for their mares.  Anne insulted him without
even seeing him.  She asked me how I knew his foals
were good examples of the breed.  I had not told her
that I had bought his then 6 yr old daughter, Tyra (my
first Icelandic) and then decided I wanted another. 
That was when I found Sky and knew in my heart it was
not a gamble.  She was totally off base and off her
rocker if you ask me.  I now would never consider an
horse that she has owned.  It would have to be a nut
case.  I can't believe she holds such a position of
power within the UIHC and many think she is so great
and knowledgable.  I hope I don't get any bad backwash
from this but think it should be known.  I did not
listen to Anne and did breed Skyfaxi.  His foals are
wonderful just like he is but I don't scare them on
purpose.  They learn respect but with love and
kindness.  It is people like Anne that will give
Icelandics a bad reputation I think.  If they don't
really trust people someday somebody is going to get

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