On 4/2/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We can tie this thread into the cloning thread:  Dr.
> Money and his "experiment" of raising one of identical
> twin boys, as a girl.
> Judy

like raising a trotter as a tolter.  it probably always felt hopeless
and depressing, trying to do something you could never do well and
being treated badly for it.  I think horses can tell when they have
disappointed us!  mine can.  As herd leader, when one of the young
ones acts really bad jaspar will lunge at him and bite him, like when
Traveller wont let me catch him, Jaspar will stamp his foot and then
lunge at him.  If stonewall is there he will sometimes try and corner
him for me.
yipie tie yie yo

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