On 4/15/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is going on in this video, with the pinto:
> http://iceryder.net/honouricelandic.html

I wonder what Tivar would do if you rode him like that...  all you
have to do is BARELY touch, the softest pressure imagineable, with the
tip of your little finger, in the reins and he responds.  In a
sidepull or bit.  If you pulled that hard on his mouth he would be
whirling to try his best to figure what the heck you are wanting...  I
am just so grateful i have a horse that is willing and responsive,
hair trigger responsive, to the least touch.  I am very very VERY
grateful to all who trained him to be this way!  My horses I have
trained are not so responsive, but if I pulled Fox this way he would
still be a rearer and would have killed me by now.  If I pulled on
Jaspar this way he would get upset and balk and not go.  He might
develop issues like bucking or whatever it might take to get rid of
me, or else shut down.  If I did this to stonewall his head would get
higher and higher, his tension and excitement level would rise
accordingly and he would get so hot he would scare me or hit me in the
face with his high head.  I think it is testament of what a good
little horse this pinto is, that he is struggling so hard for relief
yet finding none, is still not acting up so much.  He is probably just
used to it bless his heart...

yipie tie yie yo

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