On 4/28/07, Roo Grubis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  is to stand up very close to him, really lean into him sort of bracing my 
> bodyweight
> onto my elbows (bring my arms in front, elbows bent so that my torso is 
> pressing against
> the backs of my upper arms), palms on him, fingers pointing down, and then 
> sort of
> "wipe" upwards from his midline towards his spine.

It doesn't sound too difficult--is it like pushing his barrel upwards?

> You can also get most horses to lift by standing right up behind them (if it 
> is safe to do
> so--beware the danger of being kicked) and then using your fingertips to poke 
> them on
> either side of the croup, about midway down (you have to play around to find 
> the spot).  I
> tend to do a couple of those and then do a tail tug stretch (while standing 
> behind the
> horse, *gently grab a hold of his tail and *gently* lean back.  If the horse 
> likes it, he'll
> happily lean straight forward and in so doing stretch his spine.)

I think Gat would be OK with the standing behind poke.  I have tried a
tail tug and she just stood there like what's she doing now....maybe
it takes more than a few times for a horse to relax to it.

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