On 4/28/07, Roo Grubis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It's really not all about
> the headset.  :)

That's my understanding from what I've been reading, but our barn
coaches head set to get the rest of the body to follow.  I'd rather do
it the right way.

> Lateral suppling (correctly--i.e. maintaining a true, consistent bend and not 
> allowing the
> shoulder to pop out, or the horse to fall in, etc.--riding circles and 
> serpentines) will help
> with the longitudinal.  It will help her to develop the strength and 
> suppleness needed to
> use her hind end and bring her back up (and yes, her head will end up going 
> down as she
> uses the rest of herself correctly, although she might never physically be 
> able to have the
> headset of a GP warmblood), and all this will help her W/T/C and by extension 
> her tölt,
> too.

Gat has a real hard time with circles....she's not so bad with
serpentines though.

> Slow, systematic, biomechanically correct conditioning and strengthening will 
> help any
> riding horse of any conformation.  :)

Thank you!

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