>>>> Kinda like Linda Parelli taking Centered Riding techniques, slapping on
her own name, and making it seem like she "invented" the concept.

Well, except if you really want to get literal about it, there's probably
not much "new" in the Centered Riding books either, other than the
expression of the ideas - the images.  Centered Riding is simply good basic
riding, mostly based on centuries-old basic dressage principals - I LOVE the
first book, mainly because I can remember the images so well.  Sometimes, I
don't really think there's too much "new" in horsemanship or riding...but
some people DO still sometimes come up with some new and clearer ways of
expressing valid concepts.  And as dense as I can be sometimes, I appreciate
anyone who can make the light bulbs turn on in my brain, even if they only
say the same things with new words.

Karen Thomas, NC

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