On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 07:54:08PM -0700, Judy Ryder wrote:
> We don't need all the other restrictive tack that goes with icelandic-style 
> training and riding.

oh, for goodness' sake.  i don't think the french-link snaffle i was
told to use on stjarni was "restrictive tack".
> We can learn to direct the horse with our bodies and not thru discomfort 
> from a bit.

for which i think we owe centered riding more than anything.
> The newer Icelandic Horse owners have a very small view of the Icelandic 
> Horse world, and if so-and-so trainer says "ok, you don't need an icelandic 
> saddle", we, on this list, can claim responsibility for that advancement. 
> It was much different a handful of years ago when everyone was told that you 
> *had* to have an icelandic saddle to gait!  The newer owners may not be able 
> to see this yet as they don't have a clear view of the big picture.

for the record, gudmar told me i *did* need an icelandic saddle -- not
for a gait, but so stjarni would have one wide enough for his enormous,
potato-shaped back.  he then spent hours with me trying on different
saddles, and telling me what was or wasn't okay about each.  in between
he allowed me to ride bareback, and showed not the least surprise that
stjarni tolted perfectly happily with me on that way.  do you really
think nobody in iceland rides bareback??  not even icelandic kids??

> So, whether people like what we're doing or not; we are progressing and 
> advancing to our goal, and better riding and training of the Icelandic 
> Horse.

are you really taking credit here for gudmar's advice to me?


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