>>> Perhaps not, but the Plantation classes are allowed to use shoes that
are 3/4 of an inch thick and 1 1/2 inches deep...for perspective, most keg
shoes are 3/4 of an inch DEEP and 3/8 inch THICK.

Yes.  And if you want to talk about that on this list, may I ask what have
YOU done to help that deplorable situation?  I bought two TWH to get them
out of that rat race, 19 years ago.  They were not the best choices for us
as novice owners, but by golly, we stuck with them and worked out their past
issues, making them into fine trail horses. They are in my pastures, sleek,
healthy, barefoot and sound, even in their old age.  Janice has bought
several from deplorable conditions and paid to rehab and train them - even
took on a 30-year-old TWH stallion in his final days.  I believe Raven owns
a sound-humane gaited horse list, is a vocal activist in behalf of gaited
horse abuse, and Judy owns the largest gaited horse list on yahoo.  I've
worked with my local farrier's association to educate horse owners and
farriers to become aware that gaited horse feet need the same sound care as
any horse's feet.  I've given awards at the local horsemen's banquet to
honor people who do good things with SOUNDLY trained and handled gaited
horses.  I've donated Lee's book to several causes, and I sponsor a Liz
Graves clinic here - last year arranging for her to speak at a free local
educational forum.  There are abuses in way too many equine sports, and by
way too many owners.  It's sick and it makes me want to cry sometimes.  Some
of the gaited people who do that crap must have no conscience and must be
the scum of the earth.  Have I done a lot?  No, but I've done a few things.
Others on this list have done much more than I have.

I don't even want to hear comparisons to those people.  Being better than
the lowest scum of the earth is hardly anything to be proud of.  I want to
aim for the highest level of humane care and treatment we can manage, not to
be merely better than the very worst.  We can do much better than that in
this breed - if we don't settle for some minimum by making up excuses.

I'm sorry if this seems abrupt, but I get darned tired of the abuses in our
breed being passed off as ok this way, simply because a few people do worse.
It is not ok, no matter what other people do. It makes me remember the days
I used to hear, "But MOM, ALL the kids are doing...."  I didn't fall for
that from a 12-year-old kid, and I'm not buying it now in this situation..

Karen Thomas, NC

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