On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 04:46:47PM -0000, Judy Ryder wrote:
> We have not been able to get a definition for a "slow tolt". No one in
> Iceland, USIHC, or FEIF have been able to identify and define the
> "slow tolt". 

umm, i take lessons every week with an icelander who is having me work
a lot on slow tolt (to muscle up stjarni's front end, she says).  i
think the video i showed of my friend included slow tolt, so you can see
what's there and use it as an example.
> Is it supposed to be a one-foot / two-foot support just at a slower
> speed?  or does a "slow tolt" have a two-foot / three-foot support
> which makes it a saddle rack?

i think various languages may break up the gait continuum in different
places, so it is unlikely to expect perfect synonymy.


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