>>>> When we're talking about evaluations, it's on a groomed track right?
No need for shoes.

>> sure, but presumably one is still riding one's horse on a usual basis,
and usual reasons apply.  stjarni's back feet chip sometimes on our terrain,
so he has front shoes for protection.  i'm not about to pull them on the off
chance that a show ground has a nicer track.

Judy mentioned evaluations, not showing.  Evaluations are actually "breeding
evaluations" and are SUPPOSED to be a way of measuring the horse's
weaknesses and strengths for breeding.  (I don't buy into the criteria at
all, but that's another story...)  So, if the horse forges or does something
that "requires" shoes, then that should be plainly visible when he/she is
"evaluated" since it's possible that the cause is heritable.  It should be
noted as part of the record if the evaluations are to be meaningful at all.
When many important - and heritable - traits can be disguised, the whole
purpose of the procedure is defeated...and I think that's what's going on
with the current system.  WAY too much can be hidden.

Karen Thomas, NC

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