Yes, I find them friendly, my boy runs to me when I call him. He will leave  
food if I call him. He has been a big pet for years. Now he is not broke to 
ride  yet, so we will see.  He was easy for me to blanket and put a saddle on 
and  rig him up from the beginning.  His sister was that way also. After 
 with a Peruvian that is a whole different story.  That was work, for years,  
we did the John Lyons training and when I took him to a seminar for three 
days  he went nuts. Was never the same.  He wanted to bite the man that was  
working with me. I would never stress my horse again like that.
 I really like my Paso Fino trainer, he is a Mexican boy that has a  way with 
horses. Teaches them to side over to you to mount, to bow and do  tricks. 
Uses grain treats no force at all. 

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