On 7/1/07, Skye and Sally ~Fire Island <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
not something that most trimmers cut into, so 5
> years of good trims, they were off.....but definatley call them, and
> let them know, so that way they can have the option of helping you
> and your horse out now.

I like her so much and she's helped so much with my QH/TB terrible
feet.  I live in constant fear that she will get too busy and not want
to travel the 68 miles each way any more.  She always shows up for our
appointments not more than 10 minutes late, is kind to my horses and
very knowledgeable.  I really don't want to offend her or sound mad.
Fortunately my horses are mostly well behaved and easy to work with.
Sometimes Gloi will pull his front feet away and was a little worse
than usual on Thurs., but it was his back feet that are sore.  He's
not lame.  I didn't realize he was sore until I got on him bareback on
Fri evening in the paddock and he was very reluctant to move.  He
walked to the softest area of the paddock and just stood there.  I
quickly realized that something was up, got off checked his legs and
feet.  That's when I saw the pink.  From the looks of the stall and
paddock area Sat pm it looks like they were there most of the day-was
at a graduation party out of town.

Today, its back to business as usual.  They spent all night in the
pasture-breakfast at the barn, followed by a nap in the stalls & eat a
little hay.  Then its off to the pasture until the heat and flies get
to them, then its up to the pine trees for more hay and a nap in the
shade.  Back to the barn in the afternoon for water and to stand in
the stalls in front of the fans.  The white line didn't look pink this
morning.  Its funny tho.  Gloi was usually in one stall by himself
while the mare and gelding would be in the other one.  Now its never
Gloi alone.  They are taking turns in the stall with him.  I don't
know maybe the other gelding and mare are mad at each other or they
are being protective of Gloi.

Thanks for all the input.


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