>I guess my question would be, wouldn't we be better to address >stiffness 
>andinnate gaitedness separately?  The way I see it, they >MAY be related 
>sometimes, but often they aren't.

I agree with you, Karen.

My Stormur has always been a very pacey horse, but I don't consider him to 
be stiff. He certainly can be, when he hard paces, but he's very willing to 
soften when I ask, and can still be pretty pacey.  He has a very comfortable 
stepping pace and is offering what I think is saddle rack, more and more.

I've had him since he was 3 (now 15) and I've never seen him trot in the 
field, though I do believe he's done some trotting under saddle on some 
trail rides.  I haven't had much luck getting him to trot in the ring, 
though I haven't really worked at it a lot.  He does have a nice 3 beat 
canter, so I think trot is in there somewhere.

I've done a lot of John Lyons "give to the bit" work with him to get him to 
soften through his body, and he knows it very well.  Left to his own 
devices, he would pretty much pace, as his intermediate gait, all the time.

What do you all do with your hard wired pacey guys?

Sand Lake, NY 

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