at the horse show they kept saying "lope your horse, lope."  and after
about ten classes my husband turns to me and says "why do they keep
saying rope your horse and nobody does anything??"  HAHAHAHA.  but in
AQHA showing, "lope" means a canter so slow it appears the horse is
for all intents and purposes completely crippled, limping lame.  just
for some reason that came to mind.  My Jaspar's "lope" is so elegant,
majestic even.  but ever now and then he will have a snit fit and do a
little head snake at the canter.  Maybe the saddle pinches just then
or something.  Since he is a horse no saddle on the planet fits.
n-o-n-e none.  but when he head snakes people will sometimes see it
and go "ohhhhhhh!  Mister jaspar is fired UP today!"  and i will go
yeah, for him he's just about berserk...
yipie tie yie yo

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