Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to give you an update on my pony Huginn.

On Thursday, I went to visit Huginn at vet hospital. Huginn looked
100% better than the day before!  His staff think our visit on
Wednesday really helped his attitude. I think he was just happy
knowing that I had not abandoned him.

Dr. Tan still had some concerns. One was the fact that he had only one
manure pile in 24 hours. And of course, she is still trying to figure
out what is making Huginn ill.

Okay...where to start. There is so much information given to me, and
to be honest with you..I am mentally overwhelmed with everything. I
feel like I am in a daze.

Huginn has been at the U since June 29th, since then they have done of
ton of labs, and diagnostic tests on him.

The results of the two strangles swabs that were done earlier this
week, came back negative. NOW...are they negative ...because he never
had strangles? Or are they false negatives ...because he has been on
antibiotics? The vets can not say?!!!

Here's what they do know. Huginn temps has been up & down since June
21st. Ranging from 99 to 105.5.   He has been on a ton of antibiotics
and still his white blood count is high, he platelet count is low, his
liver and kidney enzymes are high. He is off feed, not really drinking
and not really pooping.

During the first endoscope they found his lymph nodes in his neck
enlarged and a small abscess in one of his guttural pouch. They lanced
that one to try to encourage it to drain. To date, there has been no
drainage.  BTW...he has never had a snotty nose. Also, during the
scope they saw a small "spot" in his belly and were concerned about

Yesterday, was a busy and exhausting day for Huginn and me. I ran
around all morning trying to find something that would encourage
Huginn to eat. I pickup some Triple Crown products; a bag chopped
grass forage, a bag of chopped alfalfa and a bag of chopped low starch

When I got the hospital, I was in the front lobby chatting with Dr,
Tan, when a woman walked up to us. She is the hospital's social
worker. I think Dr. Tan thought it would be a good idea to have a chat
with the social worker...her name is Lisa.

Lisa went with me to see Huginn, we chatted about his case, my stress
and worries. What a small world, as we were chatting about Lisa's
mare, I discovered that Lisa boards her mare at my friend's large
boarding facility (50+ horses).  And we have many friends in common. I
think we may even had passed each other over the year's on the farm's
beautiful riding trails. Really...the equine community is rather
small. Anywho...it was nice chatting with Lisa.

Once in Huginn's stall, I saw that he had not finish his beet pulp,
which surprised me, as he loves that stuff. So, we gave him a bit of
the chopped alfalfa forage, and he gobbled it up. <;]

Huginn was scheduled for more testing at 2 pm, but it was delayed due
to another horse's needs, as his owners has made the euthanasia
decision. I waited patiently in the front lobby, reading my book. I
should have used this time to make myself eat; but I forgot about
eating and drinking water. Later on the horse's owners came into the
lobby, they started chatting with me and share some of the horse's
stories with me. I cried with them.  My heart just broke for their
great loss.

After their needs were met, Huginn was taken out of his stall for his
procedures. He was first scoped, his guttural pouches looked great!
His lymph nodes are still enlarged, they are huge. His esophagus had
some mucus/junk in it, so they took samples to try to figure out what
the heck that was.  I can't remember if they found any mucus in his
windpipe..maybe?? Sorry. Maybe they did...cuz later during the xray,
they told me his lungs were clear ...nothing was going back to his
lungs?? See...I told you...my brain is fried right now. I'm a space
cadet now.

Then they shaved my poor pony. His entire torso is naked, except for a
strip over his spine. His skin is so pink under all that hair.

They did an ultrasound and needed skin to get a better view. They
looked for massed on his organs and found nothing. Everything looked

They...Dr. Tan did a rectal exam, she said the manure that she pulled
out has mucus on it, which told her the "transit" as slowing down.
Which explains why he only had one poop in 24 hours.  Other than
that....everything "she felt" was good!

After that, he was taken into radiology to get films of his lungs and
that area. To rule out masses. Everything looked great!  His heart was
not enlarged, his lungs were clear, Dr. Tan pointed out some other
things (good) but...I don't remember them. Sorry.

So, what is going on with Huginn? They still have no answer.  The vet
staff is very baffled, they say that they have not seen anything like
this in the past. If it is strangles ...it's not presenting as it
"normally" does. It it's cancer...the "cold" that he was exposed to at
the endurance clinic...may have just kick started everything.  It may
have accelerated the disease.

Today plan...I say today, cuz the "plan" has been changing on a daily basis.

Anywho..the plan is to keep Huginn at the U until Sunday, at that time
he would have been on 9 days of GPen ...double dose since Weds 7/4 and
on 5 days of gentamicin (?).  Both are given IV. GPen for gram
positive bacterial and gentamicin for gram negative bacterial.

He has had no banamine since Weds morning. They are hoping his temps
start to stabilize.

They are offering many different grains, hay, etc in hopes of getting
him to eat. They have hung 2 water buckets in his stall, one with tap
water and another with distilled water. Now...I wish I had done the
kool aid water trick!  Ya know...I have never used kool aid in my
water...cuz Huginn is a good water drinker, he was never refused to
drink strange water on the trail. Anywho.

If he continues to eat...drink and keep a good temp. He will go home
on Sunday with IM antibiotics and a steroid...in hopes of shrinking
the lymph nodes.

When I left him late yesterday ...he was in his stall...shivering.
It's chilly in there and now..he is naked. Dr. Tan does not want to
blanket him...as she wants his temp to stay down. But...I am bringing
him his summer cotton sheet. That will protect his naked skin from the
chill in the room and the shavings/hay in his stall.

Here's a link to a few photos taken yesterday July 5, 2007 at the U of MN.


So...that is all I know.  Dan and I are off to visit Huginn, will try
to get photos of my naked pony.

I want to THANK YOU all for all your love, support and healing light
sent to my sweet pony. Huginn and I are blessed to have you in our
lives.  You truly are awesome folks!

Please kiss your horses, dogs and other pets...tell them every day how
important they are.

Bright Blessings,
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

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