From: "Judy Ryder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Here's another picture of a horse that is round.
> His pelvis is engaged (his *hindquarters* are engaged).
> Both hind feet are under his mass.
> His croup is lower than his withers.
> His underline is shortened.

Hi Judy,

Thanks for providing the great pictures and helping everyone learn more 
about roundness.  I would like to join in the discussion, but will not be 
able to until next week.

I've been out riding most of the day (I do have my priorities!), but have a 
boatload of company coming for the weekend to celebrate my middle son's 30th 
birthday.  So, I've got some serious cleaning and organizing to do!

I know I have some posts to answer from you and Karen.  I will get to them 
as soon as I have more time.

Just want to emphasize that I am not claiming Stormur is collected or even 
in a round frame in the picture I sent in.  I'm just saying that I do not 
believe he is always hollow backed when he paces.

I don't have the knowlege of the easy gaits that many of you do, but I've 
been riding this horse for 11 years and believe that I do know a hollow back 
when I'm sitting on one!  I also know the feeling of a horse elevating his 
back.  If you can't see it in pictures, I don't have time to jump through 
hoops, trying to prove it.  I have more valuable things to do with my time. 
I am just trying to share my personal experience.

Have a great weekend!


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