>>> Oh - someone in Twist's past spent some nice ring time with him and one of 
>>> the things he does nicely is a half pass - maybe that's what they were

The first thing that Lee Ziegler would recommend for pace was the 
neck-stretching exercises, encouraging the horse to go 'long-and-low' for 
periods, then gradually asking him to bring his head up to a more normal 
position - NOT to a high position, just normal for his conformation.  And of 
course, ANY horse (whatever the gaitedness) will benefit from exercises that 
work on his overall flexibility...but only if they are done correctly of 
course.  And, since some horses pace when tense, anything you can do to relax 
the horse is bound to be a big help.  I can't count the times I read Lee 
preach, 'walk, walk, walk!' at least for the beginning sessions.   I personally 
think that's why so many gaited horses get called "hard pacers" - the owners or 
trainers push for "gait, gait, gait" before the horses are conditioned, or 
while they are in some sort of pain.  I know that some horses will be pacey no 
matter what, but even a so-so step-pace can be a huge improvement over the hard 
pace, as I'm sure you already know... :)

Karen Thomas, NC

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