On 16/07/07, Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think he was kind of nervous.  Does that make a
> difference?  My MFT is just so smooth with out me
> doing much.  So I expect the Icelandics to be the
> same.

Lori, he just arrived at your house right?  In my experience horses
need at least two weeks off prior to asking anything of them.  Keep an
eye on his weight as well, as you may find that he starts dropping a
bit of weight right about now.  He's had a lot of changes in his life
and he may be in a state of mourning.  So mentally and physically he's
probably not up to much.

I would give him some time to settle in and when you feel he isn't
nervous any more, then I would start taking him in the ring and
establishing a bit of communication with him.  If he offers a gait
great, if he doesn't he may just need more carefull conditioning.

Just my two cents...


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