Hi Debbie,

>>>Lacy is 8 lbs max... she''s about 14 weeks old now... a Schnoodle, I
have talked about her before, well, she was attacking my friends 4
month old Scottie mix puppy, with a loud snarl and attack, the Scottie
mix is BIGGER then Lacy, but much more submissive, well, I had Lacy on
a leash, and when she went to grab Dolly the Scottie mix, I corrected
her quickly, but, man, when I did, she went off the ground, cause I
lifted her UP.. well, I did not mean to lift her up, I was only
telling her no..

Do you have a collar on your puppy or a harness?  If you have a collar
consider a harness because puppies don't have enough muscle around their
necks to protect them when a collar is used.


Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada



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