Here is the video I took sunday of the appaloosa horse in distress
after a 2.5 hour ride.  It wasnt all that hot and we didnt ride all
that hard but i took this video a full hour AFTER we had stopped to
rest.  i convinced them to let me call the sheriff to take me back to
get the trailer.  now the vet said I saved his life...  but what good
is it maybe ... the vet said he can never be ridden again if he doesnt
sweat but maybe he will recover some.  he has anhydrosis, it is
official now.  What a shame!  He is such a great horse!  what a
loss...  and all because she rode him hard in this heat and did not
heed warnings last time he overheated severely, she kept riding him
she said.  She just thought he was out of shape and breathing hard!
if your horse ever breathes like this STOP IMMEDIATELY and get off and
DO NOT get back on until he is breathing normally and sweating

yipie tie yie yo

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