There's a Peruvian Paso where I board that has been having some serious
soundness problems, so he's been on stall rest and thus getting a lot more
attention from the rest of us than he might have otherwise.

I think his owner would argue that he does not "wing" as we think of it, but
has a distinctive gait.

We were standing talking to Fabio over his stall door and noticed that his
chest muscles are VERY developed.  Looking at him from the side, his chest
is probably three or four inches deeper in front of his front legs than it
is behind (just in front of where his girth probably lies).  He looks like a
body builder with pecs.  We wondered if this muscle development was a result
of the way he moves or was the CAUSE of how he moves.

His owner is the sort of person we would all like to sell horses to.  She's
an older single woman who commutes from her pschyiatric practice in San
Francisco to Applegate, where she has her home and horses.  She has no pets.
Those horses get the best of care.


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